Temet Nosce - Professional and personal training courses in Geneva

Discover our training sessions and workshops

Temet Nosce, Swiss School of Therapeutic and Medical Hypnosis, offers certification courses in Geneva for the purpose of professional practice, continuing courses, personal training as well as discovery workshops.

Our training sessions

Training for everyone  
in hypnotherapy

You are not in the business?

Learn about hypnosis, become a hypnotherapist or train yourself in new therapeutic practices? Our school offers a wide range of diploma and certification courses for the purpose of professional practice or for the purpose of personal development or enrichment.

Advanced training 
in hypnotherapy

Do you already have experience and practice as a certified hypnotherapist?

Our school offers advanced training that will allow you to refine your knowledge in different areas of hypnosis.

Medical training 
in hypnotherapy

Are you a professional in healthcare?

Our school offers various training courses in medical hypnosis, adapted to nursing staff. These will allow you to acquire different techniques in order to facilitate the different types of care that you may encounter in your daily life.

Become a hypnotherapist

The diploma course for everyone who wants to become a hypnotherapist

A useful profession in search of meaning

Accompany individuals on their journey of transformation, while cultivating your own personal growth.

A diploma course

Diploma course accredited by the ASCA for anyone wishing to acquire a solid foundation in hypnosis or use hypnosis professionally.

FPHT® - Professional Training in  
Therapeutic Hypnosis

Accessible to everyone   
9 weekends et evening workshops (Wednesdays) ASCA certified  
1 exam session

Next session: FPHT-G30 - Session en semaine 2024-2025 (automne)

Our Advanced Training Programs (ATP)

Advanced Training Program

Thematic courses in hypnotherapy for specialisation

Our training courses are accessible individually but can also be followed in the form of specialised bundle courses.

Our next 
complementary workshops 
accessible to everyone

  • Constellations familiales

    Soirée Constellations Familiales

    Lors de cette soirée, nous effectuerons une constellation familiale sur l'un des participants souhaitant débloquer ce qui se joue chez lui de manière consciente ou inconsciente transgénérationnels. Si le temps le permet, une seconde constellation pourra être effectuée.
  • Hypnose médicale

    Hypnose médicale

    Au cours de cet atelier, vous découvrirez comment l’hypnose médicale peut être une alliée pour soulager les souffrances, faciliter le processus de guérison et diminuer l’anxiété face aux interventions médicales.

  • Atelier Psychologie

    Atelier sur la Psychologie et l'Hypnose Thérapeutique : Exploration et Transformation

    Découvrez les synergies entre psychologie et hypnose thérapeutique dans notre atelier exclusif. 

    Cet atelier vous permettra d’avoir un aperçu sur les notions abordées dans la formation professionnelle en hypnose thérapeutique du niveau 2, chaque thématique étant conçue pour vous permettre de découvrir des outils pratiques et des perspectives enrichissantes pour la progression thérapeutique.

  • Apéro de Noël

    Apéro de Noël - Buffet canadien

    Venez nous retrouvez pour partager un moment de convivialité et fêter ensemble la fin de l'année et l'arrivée des fêtes de Noël.